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Chief returns to the helm after five-week ?retirement' with new contract

CC Adderley 'technically retired' on February 26 before returning on April 3.
Published - 04/04/2023 By - Gary Mason

Nick Adderley was sworn in again as Chief Constable of Northamptonshire on Monday on a new contract following a five week break intended for the purposes of pension abatement.

While CC Adderley was between contracts the force had a temporary chief for just over a month who was brought in from outside the force.

Paul Gibson has now returned to his substantive role as head of the East Midlands Special Operations Unit (EMSOU) having spent five weeks at the helm.

On welcoming CC Adderley back to the force this week Northants PFCC Stephen Mold – who signed off the unusual contract break in order that Mr Adderley wouldn’t suffer any financial loss on his pension  -   said a priority would be for the Chief Constable to move forward with recruitment plans to “ensure that Northamptonshire Police has a strong and stable leadership team as the force moves into the future.”

Currently the force has a police SLT comprised of the chief and two ACCs.

Under the arrangement agreed by PCC Mold, CC Adderley’s contract was renewed, allowing him to take a break from the service to enable him to abate his pension on the grounds that continuing in service under the current pension arrangements was “economically untenable from a personal financial perspective."

CC Adderley returned with an increased salary of £165,000 after the PFCC exercised his discretion to vary the rate set annually by the Police Pay Review Body (£151,815 for Northamptonshire).

His new two-and-a-half year contract can be extended by 'mutual agreement'.

Stephen Mold said: “Northamptonshire Police now has the largest number of police officers ever – 1500. I know that Nick and I share a vision to use these extra resources to strengthen local policing and build on the problem-solving approach to robustly tackle crime and prevent further offending.

“Nick’s leadership has taken Northamptonshire Police forward and he has set the tone and direction for the Force, with clear priorities and focus on the issues that matter to people."

Mr Mold thanked Paul Gibson for his time at the helm of the force saying: “Any police force would be lucky to have Paul as their Chief Constable, and I know he will be one soon,

“Even in his relatively brief time here, Paul has dealt with some significant challenges, including serious disciplinary matters and a tragic murder in Northampton.”

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