Community Integrated Care

Community Integrated Care (CIC) is an adult social care charity that stands as one of the largest in the UK and offer specialist care and support programmes throughout it. CIC host an extensive range of service areas including housing, people with learning difficulties or mental health concerns, nursing homes and residential housing for older people, and treatment for substance misuse.

The services they deliver include domiciliary care, floating support, 24 hour care, counseling, qualified nursing care and support into education or employment, each according to his or her individual needs. CIC steer towards constantly revising and renovating what they offer. They aim to promote effective rehabilitation for individuals in the community and restore their lives to the fullest extent. They operate as a commercial, not-for-profit organization that offers services from almost 300 locations and employs over 400 people. Their plans to grow and expand their work within existing care arenas is detailed in a five year strategic plan.

The organisation work closely with a range of partners and relevant agencies including social and health care services, general practitioners, probation services, housing associations and employers. They offer dual diagnosis, which aims to provide more informed, holistic and effective rehabilitation treatments. It involves working closely with specialist partnerships and experts as a means of dealing with complex cases and learning about new treatment methods. Often cases are expansive and require a broad understanding of previous cases and specialist referrals. For example, in understanding the relationship between mental health issues and substance reliance, CIC are more able to identify the issues and needs of individual cases. They are skilled in providing circumstantial support and have built up a strong reputation since their inception two decades ago.